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Whatever type of cooperation you choose, we can offer you a solution that will provide you and your clients with a wide range of services.
You can start affiliate our products by registering in the MyCommerce affiliate system. If you have not joined BlueSnap affiliate system, please feel free to Sign up. Complete an online sign-up form; you will receive affiliate ID via email. Joining is free and getting started is simple, BlueSnap provides a safe and effective online purchasing solution.

All new affiliates are automatically approved; all you need is to copy and paste the purchase link to your site to start selling and making money.

Perform the following steps that would connect to affiliate program
1) Registration in affiliate program MyCommerce
2) Select affiliate link for product and download PAD-file
3) Promote products and get percentage with your sales
How do I get the credit for a sale?
When a customer uses one of the affiliate links (to the order page, download or product URL), we install a cookie on their machine that is active for a year. When the customer purchases the product, we take the affiliate id from that cookie and credit your account.

We are pleased to inform you that you can move on career stairs along with the z-drex. Than more you sell, more so the you profit, see the table below:
Career stairs
Level - 1
Level - 2
Level - 3
Level - 4
Level - 5 (VIP)
Approx overall
$ 29.97/m
$ 79.96/m
$ 2 712.79/m
$ 4 197.80/m
$ 9 597.65/m
Your "%" -  Sale
45% + 1% ap. comp.
50% + 2% ap. comp.
70% + 5% ap. comp
Sale for Next Level
5 sale/month
10 sale/month
20 sale/month
40 sale/month
50 sale/month
By purchasing any products you are automatically unite in our affiliate program with a double bonus package
Career stairs
Level - 1
Level - 2
Level - 3
Level - 4
Level - 5 (VIP)
Approx overall
$ 39.98/m
$ 99.95/m
$ 2 504.87/m
$ 9 595.79/m
$ 15 177.72/m
Your "%" -  Sale
55% + 2% ap. comp.
60% + 3% ap. comp.
70% + 9% ap. comp
Sale for Next Level
5 sale/month
10 sale/month
20 sale/month
40 sale/month
50 sale/month
Privacy policy